ABYTEL023 3665361087717

DRAGON BALL - Iphone 12 case - Shenron*

ABYstyle grants your wish with this Dragon Ball phone case and offers you nothing less than the dragon Shenron to protect your mobile.

- iPhone 12 case
- Material : TPU (thermoformable polyurethane)
- Flexible case with soft texture
- High quality printing
- Black base
- Dimensions: 15 x 7,4 x 1cm
- Pinchable packaging for good in-store visibility

Data sheet



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LicenseDragon Ball
Product length (cm)8
Product width (cm)1
Product height (cm)15
Product weight (g)29
Toy safety markingsNo
Customs code3926909790
Outer carton units20
Outer carton bar code13665361087714
Outer carton length (cm)19
Outer carton width (cm)29
Outer carton height (cm)19
Outer carton weight (kg)1.32
Country of originChine
Pallet unit total2560
Outer cartons per layer16
Layers per pallet8
Outer cartons per pallet128